Tuesday 29 April 2008

Price comparison

Japan, Create super drug store:

1.5L Bottle of Coke
x2 Instant Noodle bowls
Snickers bar
Earl Grey teabags
Can of Chu hi

= 1000 yen or 4.84 pounds

0.75p x2

= 4.98 pounds

Pretty close!

Golden Week

Yay, first day of my holiday. Today is a national holiday, half Ebina post office was closed apart from a tiny window where I sent my postcards. I need to send a slighly belated birthday present but I`m wondering if it`s actually worth it - I was good friends with this person but I havent heard from them once since I`ve been in Japan.

Living abroad makes you realise who your true friends actually are.

Anyway, enough introspection. There`s a BBQ tomorrow, the Kamakura buddha the day after that and Studio Ghibli museum whenever I can get hold of a gold-dust like ticket : )

Friday 25 April 2008

Saturday off

Today I`ve got the day off, as I worked on Monday instead. Went to Japanese class in machida with Abbie and Lucy, it was lots of fun. I was taught by a sweet old man, he showed me flashcards of peach, bee, winter etc in hiragana. He had a chuckle as they are for Japanese infants.
Kicking myself for learning hiragana before katakana though, did some book work and I couldn't read half the sentences : ( Need to study like a mofo.

We went for lunch at tfi Fridays after, had the nicest hamburger! Saw lots of fugi in a tank outside a restaurant but they looked ill and unhappy.

Theres a tiny pet shop where the kittens and puppies are in glass cages - they look adorable but are obviously too young to be taken away from their mothers. Its the kawaii obsession.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Nearly a month

I`ve been here nearly a month now. Time does fly. I`m going to try for two japanese lessons every week, as I don`t want to be in the situation I was last week, sitting at the doctors not being able to read most of the words or understanding the diagnosis.

I got laryngitis and inflamed vocal cords. Woke up thursday not being able to speak at all.
The lovely atsugi doctor sent me to a specialist in ebina, who put a camera up my nose and down my throat without warning!

My boss very kindly covered my friday lessons, I think he`s the best boss I`ve had to far in my working life of 4 years.

Finally got my alien card and open a post office account, hurrah : )
Nearly golden week, not going anywhere glamorous but Sally is back from thailand so we`ll do some exploring.

Saturday 5 April 2008

Hello Mr.Garcia

*waves across the ocean*
This is it so far, just back from the supermarket and they sell final fantasy potion in a can. Should I buy it? It may give me superpowers....