Saturday 3 January 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

January 01

New Years, shrines and Low riders

Happy New Year 2009!
Last night was lovely - first I went to Tatsuyas house for a bbq with homemade burgers then we watched his aikido demo and went to the shrine.
At midnight we rang the temple bell (I was number 64 out of 108) as its the Buddhist custom to strike it 108 times on New Year’s Eve to gt rid of the 108 mortal desires like greed and infidelity. One of the priests was taiko drumming and the other was chanting, it was amazing. We gave our number chips back to one of the priests and he gave us a little calligraphy calendar each and talked to me in perfect English! The kindness of strangers is always lovely, it restores your belief in people.
We walked back to Tatsuyas house and his parents gave us money in envelopes that we junkened for - 4 had 1000yen in (7 pounds) and one had 10000 (70 pounds) Lucy won the 10000yen one, which was lovely - I cant imagine many other parents giving presents to friends of their sons girlfriend, and by chance.
At 2am his Mum made us a special new years meal with different food itmes for health, luck and something else I`ll remember in a minute!. His dad gave me some plum liquor which was super-strong. More fool me for saying yes I`ll try that lol. Then his mum made us soup with mochi in - she`s so kind.
We got about two hours sleep then went to yamato station to catch the first train to enoshima beach to see the sunrise. I like enoshima, it has a laid-back surfer vibe and is probably the one place in japan I dont get stared at for being foreign. Well. that and roppongi, but roppongi is uber sleazy.
A few Chevy impala low riders went by at 6am making their suspension jump - both total posers but awesome. I want to drive one.
The beach was fricking feezing, we met up with yoshi and fumi and saw the sunrise

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had a dream that I got money in an envelop the other nite! I don't remember the rest of it...but I think it was for something good!

your new years sounded/read awesome/magical.

I'm sure you're gonna miss Japan.